
Can you afford to retire?

When one chooses to permanently leave the workforce behind, make sure that you have enough money for your needs at retirement age. How much you need to save for retirement depends in part, on your lifestyle to live comfortably and how long you expect to live.  Proper assessment in your retirement income is necessary specially if you are getting closer to retirement. Several adjustments regarding your finance must be made. Manage your debt by aggressively wiping out all your balances in your credit cards, loans, and other liabilities. You should also consider making the maximum contribution in your 401(k) and IRA accounts. IRS set a limit on how much you can put in your retirement accounts. In 2021, the standard annual contribution limit is $19,500 for 401(k) plans.  In addition to maximizing your annual contribution for your retirement accounts, consider the catch-up contributions allowed by IRS. Check IRS how much you can put in on top of your standard contribution limits. In 2021, IRS allows catch up contribution of $6500 for individual 401(k) accounts and $1000 for IRA accounts. Another thing you must consider of doing is to assess your risk profile base on your age. The closer your age at retirement the lesser the risk you can take. Get in touch with any of our friendly and skilled professional agents for the solution of this matter.

Three Major Risks of Our Retirement

Achieving our retirement goals are quite challenging. Within a blink of an eye, our dreams could be wipe out by several risks factors.

Market Risk

A news driven volatility of the market could hurt your portfolio and could affect your entire savings.

Tax Risk

As the government national debt keeps rising, taxes are more likely to increase in the future.

Capital Risk

With too much uncertainty, losing some of your capital investment is one of the major concerns of the investors.

Most Popular Question for Retirement

How much do I need to save for retirement to be able to afford my current lifestyle?

Top 8 Mistakes For Your Retirement

Failure to plan your retirement at all.

The number one biggest mistakes for retirement is no plan at all

Procrastinate your retirement plan

One of the enemy for success is procrastination

Failure to match 100% of 401(k) employer's contribution.

This is a free money that you are leaving on the table.

Failure to diversify and allocate properly your investment portfolio.

These are ways to mitigate risks.

Failure to rebalance your portfolio.

Re-allocations of funds base on economic and market  conditions are necessary to optimize your returns.

Spending your retirement savings too early

Discipline is necessary in not to touch your nest eggs in order to let it grow.

Investing Unwisely

Financial literacy can help you better decide where to invest your money to avoid mistakes in your retirement portfolio.

Poor Tax Planning Strategy

Our skillful agents can help you tailor your retirement income tax-free

Keep on track. Reach your Retirement goal.

Checklist for an Excellent Retirement Program:

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3-to-1 Matching

The bank will match your contribution in 3-to-1 concept to enhance your profit.

Tax-Deferred Growth

All the growth of your capital investments are tax-deferred.

Tax-Free Income

The money in this account can tax-free be structured income stream.

Zero Risk Return

Safety because your investments do not participate in the market downturn.

Market-Driven Return

Your investment will get a market-like return which is capped.

Immediate Protection

In case of death, your love ones will get a lump sum of the policy value.

Easy Access to Money

You can access your money before retirement age without penalty.

Enhance Profitability

The more money put in the account due to bank leverage, the more profit you get.

Cash in the Event of Death or Illness

Pay off medical expenses in case of illness and receive lump sum in case of death.

Peace of Mind

You can have a sound sleep every night knowing all the advantages of this unique retirement program.

A caring and friendly services to help you stay on track.

Our skillful agents are here for you to help  guide in your  financial road map.

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