Enhance Your Profit Potential Through Bank Leverage.

Use Bank Leverage to Enhance Potential Returns

3-to-1 Matching Concept

The bank will match your fund in 3 to 1 concept as leverage to enhance the potential returns. This increases the power of your growth potential compared to a self funded alone account without leverage. To learn more about this amazing program, please contact us and set up a free, no obligation one on one appointment with our friendly and skilled agents.

Benefits of Bank Leverage

Your contributions are used to purchase death benefit protection that can provide cash in the event of a chronic or terminal illness. The excess funds have the potential to accumulate and grow over time, which can be used to help supplement your retirement. of 

Here are the advantages of our 3-to-1 matching program:

Matching funds? (3-to-1)

Tax-deferred growth

Tax-free income

Market-driven rate of return

Safety (no downside interest rate risk)


Cash in the event of death or illness




3-to-1 Bank matching Concept  Vs, Alternative Choices  See just how much you get with bank leverage compared with alternatives.